My Top Tips for New Vegetarians and Vegans

When I first gave up meat over a decade ago, my knowledge of vegetarianism was pretty limited. I didn’t know any real life vegetarians (Lisa Simpson and Phoebe Buffay were the extent of available role models) and any online community was non-existent.

Blogging was still in its infancy (most people posted personal journals or fan fiction), chefs didn’t have their own websites, YouTube didn’t exist, and “social media” meant pouring over a copy of Smash Hits with your friends; this was pre-MySpace, let alone Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or Instagram. Ancient times.

And so, I learnt as I went along. My journey was not without its hurdles but over the years I’ve not only expanded on my knowledge of vegetarianism but also my reasons for following a meat-free diet and lifestyle.

Given what I wish I knew from the start, here are my top bits of advice for vegetarian newbies:

1. Learn to Cook

One of the best things I ever did was learn to cook. Yes, there may be plenty of meat alternatives available (soy sausages, bean burgers, quorn mince) and they’re great every now and again but a healthy, well-balanced diet they do not make.

My mum and auntie were both instrumental in me learning my way around a kitchen but I don’t think I really got the cooking thing down pat until I left home and had to fend for myself with pretty limited resources; a couple of basic cookbooks, a few pantry staples, and whatever I could afford to stock my fridge with that week.

Vegetarian and vegan cookbooks on shelfSo, I experimented constantly. I filled a notebook with successful dishes or flavour combinations. I had my mum photocopy or email my favourite childhood recipes from her collection and I tore out recipes from magazines (okay, I still do that)…

Nowadays, with literally millions of recipes online created by everyone from home cooks to celebrity chefs, you’ll soon find what works for you.

You don’t need to become a whizz in the kitchen but being able to whip up a few quick, fresh dishes really makes a difference.

2. Get Used to Questions and Criticism

It’s human nature to question things and when it comes to revealing that you’re a vegetarian, it’s pretty common that a slew of questions will follow. Of course, some people are just asking out of genuine curiosity but there will always be those who question you to try to get a rise or start an argument. Some of my favourites include:

  • Do you eat fish? (No. That would make me a pescetarian.)
  • Don’t you get sick of salad? (No. I don’t live on salad.)
  • Isn’t that what cows are here for? (No.)
  • What if you were stuck on a desert island? (Never going to happen. Still no.)
  • But where do you get your protein? (Tofu, pulses, quinoa, nuts, seeds, leafy greens…)

Question - do you know your vegetariaqn ingredients?

Though I’ve never been preachy about my dietary choices, along with the questions there’s always those who will get combative when they hear the word “vegetarian”.

Unfortunately, this can come from both ends of the spectrum – from hard-core carnivores to hard-core vegans. Whether this aggression is to you personally or online in videos, comments or articles, just ignore it. These people are not worth your time or energy.

3. Know Your Ingredients

Being vegetarian goes further than just cutting out meat. There are so many different animal ingredients that sneak their way into all sorts of food and drink products.

The most common culprits are probably gelatin, isinglass, rennet and carmine, though the list is extensive. So extensive in fact, that writing this post led me to create a whole new one dedicated to sneaky animal ingredients in food.

Gummy sweets

You will learn to check labels, ask the right questions when eating out, and let friends and family know what you don’t eat if they’re cooking for you.

4. Plan Ahead

There are going to be times when being vegetarian is a little tricky; you can’t assume there will always be food options available to you.

Check restaurant menus online or call ahead to find out if they offer veggie-friendly dishes. The same goes for work events, dinner parties, weddings etc; let people know in advance to avoid awkward situations or an empty stomach.

Food Menu

I’ve learnt that simple snacks can be a saviour; I’ve been to music festivals where the only thing I could eat were lemonade ice blocks, caught a 16-hour flight where the airline missed off my dietary requirements, and attended a work picnic where omnivores dug into the few veggie sandwiches and dipped sausages into the hummus…

Now I always carry snack bars on flights, add dried or fresh fruit to my day pack for events, and take my own hummus to picnics.

5. Define Your Reasons for Yourself

Everyone has their own reasons for choosing a vegetarian diet. Your motivations may relate to animal rights, health, religion, taste, the environment, or all of the above! Whatever your reasons, decide them for yourself and don’t worry if they match up with those around you. You do you.

Numbered calf on dairy farm

Your reasons may evolve over time as mine did. For me, going vegetarian began with not wanting to eat dead animals. However, the longer I stuck at it and the more I learnt about the meat industry as a whole, the further my beliefs strengthened and my reasons for staying vegetarian are vast and varied.

6. Decide if it’s a Diet or Lifestyle Change

Decide what being a vegetarian means to you. Does it simply mean giving up meat? Or does it involve more than just food? There’s no right or wrong answer and for me it was a gradual process.

Most vegetarians won’t wear leather or suede as they still involve the slaughter of animals. You may also want to avoid feathers, silk, and wool. Don’t even get me started on the horror that is fur…

Is it important to you that your beauty products aren’t tested on animals? What are your thoughts on horse racing? The Running of the Bulls? Animals in theme parks? Zoos?

Horsein racing gear

It’s entirely your choice where you draw your line but it’s worth thinking beyond food if your reasons for becoming a vegetarian are mainly ethical ones.

7. Get Involved

Over the past decade or so, both blogging and social media have exploded. You can now get connected to an entire community of like-minded people with just a few clicks or taps.

Get online and check veggie blogs, join Facebook groups, and follow foodies on social media. If you don’t know any other vegetarians, the online community not only makes you feel less isolated but it’s a great place to gain knowledge and insight.

Girl typing on laptop

Offline, look out for events in your community. Foodie events are more common than you may realise, with vegetarian and vegan food festivals happening throughout the year in most major cities. They’re great places to meet new people, try new products, and learn new cooking skills.

8. Learn from Your Mistakes

Finally, be kind to yourself and don’t sweat the small stuff. Any big lifestyle change is going to be a learning experience.

So maybe you had some sweets then realised there was gelatine in them, ate vegetable soup made with chicken stock, or were oblivious to the fact that your makeup contained crushed beetles? Guilty on all charges.

Lipsticks n various shades of orange, red and pink

Instead of feeling like you’ve failed, use those mistakes as learning experiences so you’ll know better next time. Check ingredients more carefully and be specific or ask questions when ordering something in a restaurant – not everyone has the same definition of “vegetarian”!

Is there anything I’ve missed? Let me know your best tips in the comments!

PIN IT!Top tips for new vegetarians and vegans. From thing to avoid to being kinder to yourself.

0 thoughts on “My Top Tips for New Vegetarians and Vegans

  1. Absolutely LOVED this post. When I first went veg, it was in the days of dial-up internet, before social media and Amazon. I can remember ordering all my cookbooks via mail order and check through PETA, because that was the only resource I had. All of your advice was spot-on. Good job!

  2. Excellent suggestions. As a lifelong vegetarian (born and raised) the thought of eating meat is unfathomable to me. Being vegetarian was not something I needed to learn how to do because that’s just what I was/am. Of course I have plenty of other reasons for remaining vegetarian but ethics is not one of them. Food is to be enjoyed, and associating diet with guilt doesn’t seem right to me. I like your nonjudgmental outlook on diet. Thank you for the excellent post!

    1. Thanks for such a lovely comment! I’m not a fan of the “holier than thou” attitude sometimes found amongst followers of specific diets so I try to steer well clear of it. 🙂

  3. Well said! I used to feel so guilty when I’d accidentally eat something not realizing it contained milk or eggs or whatever, turns out we’re only human! We make mistakes! Forgiving yourself is a big part of the journey I wish someone had told me sooner 🙂

    1. Thanks for your comment! I tried to think of all the things I wish people had told me sooner too. The guilt factor was a major one for me. It’s just not worth it – you’re doing your best and it’s your own “journey” so better to learn from any mistakes instead of beating yourself up. I learnt that the hard way. 😉

  4. Your list of comments and criticism is so true 😂 if I have to answer that desert island question one more time…! I’ve been veggie my whole life but somehow still manage to trip up on the occasional thing (most recently a German cake?!!) Some really good tips and tricks- Thanks!

  5. I recently began transitioning to veganism (I’m on my third week, maybe?), and this post has been particularly helpful. I have found a multitude of vegan food blogs, but not many do what you’re doing here. I’m super thankful for the range of topics you cover under the umbrella of veganism. I can’t wait to read more 🙂

      1. I’m already a vegetarian since I am a child. I know how to prepare veg. recipes and I am good at it so I open a blog of Vegetarian Recipes- FoodFond
        Please visit. 😃

  6. Love the positivity of your post. I am on week 4 of my transition to vegetarian and absolutely loving it. My taste buds and body are rejoicing lol.

    1. Thanks so much! I’m not a fan of the “all or nothing” attitude sometimes prevalent in the community and think it’s more important to be positive and encouraging (corny as that may sound!).

      Good luck with your veggie transition. Glad you’re loving it so far! 🙂

      1. I agree. I’ve run into some very unpleasant and offputting people and it so goes against the grain of what I believe the purpose of going plant based, being kind and reducing harm. Sometimes their words are harmful. But I gotta remember to continue to make positive changes and improvements. 💓 and thank you!

  7. Thank you for posting this – it was really helpful! We are new vegetarians (just over 3 months) and we’ve already run into a lot of these situations and it’s great to know that everyone is experiencing the same thing.
    It’s especially frustrating when it feels like people are trying to “get” you. We were eating McDonald’s french fries the other day and one of our friends said “I thought you were vegetarian!? Those aren’t vegetarian! They have beef in them!” While that may be true, we didn’t appreciate the joy that he seemed to get from pointing out our mistake.

    1. So glad you found it helpful! It’s always nice to know you’re not alone in experiencing these things.

      That sucks about the fries! I read once that US McDonald’s use beef stock in their French fry seasoning but not sure if they still do.

      My soup comment in the post was because I found out months after going veggie that my favourite pumpkin soup had chicken stock in it. 🙁

      It’s a learning process so such a shame when people delight in others’ mistakes.

      Good luck with your new veggie lifestyle! 🙂

  8. Vegetarianism is NOT a fad. And if we look beyond the religious mandate and moral diktats, it does make sense to feed less on flesh and bones. It is a matter of food Security for all.

Let me know your thoughts!