Getting Back to Nature at The Isabella Plantation

I’ve been a bit quiet recently as my lovely mum was visiting from Australia for a few weeks. Last time she was in London in 2010, we did all the touristy things (Big Ben, The London Eye, The Tower of London…) so this time around we decided to relax a little, take it slower, and explore more.

We spent a lot of time enjoying nature in surprisingly glorious weather. We explored London and took a two-week road trip around the south-west of England.

Having spent more time behind a lens than a kitchen counter during this time, I’m sharing my favourite snaps and stories from the road, starting with Richmond Park.

Bridge over River Thames in Richmond

Richmond Park

London is not just the land of fancy bridges and clock towers; there are countless beautiful parks, gardens and nature reserves all throughout the city. One of the better known nature reserves is in the picturesque suburb of Richmond in London’s south-west.

Famed for its wild deer population, Richmond Park is the largest enclosed space in London and the largest of the city’s Royal Parks.

Richmond Park views

Richmond Park fields

Ducks in lake at Richmond Park

I had been to Richmond Park before and had spent the day roaming the vast, open fields and sitting by the huge central lake. I believe I officially became the First Person Ever to Not See a Deer in the park; seriously, there’s over 600 of them… HOW DID I MISS THEM?

This time, the illustrious deer did put in an appearance for us, even if we didn’t see many…

Richmond Park deer under trees

Richmond Park deer eating from tree

Okay, one. We saw one. But he had a bird friend on his back, which was adorable and totally made up for it.

After ticking the deer-spotting box, we spent the next few hours strolling through the Isabella Plantation; a stunning 40-acre woodland garden bursting with colour from its evergreen Azaleas.

The Isabella Plantation

Richmond Park - Isabella Plantation

Being the middle of spring when we visited, the flowers were at their peak and I was honestly blown away with every corner I turned bringing a scene even more spectacular than the last.

Isabella Plantation in Richmond Park

The plantation features not only Azaleas but large collections of Rhododendrons and Camellias, as well as many rare plants. Cue hundred of photos of flora…

Close-up of flowers at Isabella Plantation in Richmond Park

Bright pink flowers at the Isabella Plantation in Richmond Park

Red berries at the Isabella Plantation in Richmond Park

Pink flowers at the Isabella Plantation in Richmond Park

Red flowers at the Isabella Plantation in Richmond Park

White flowers at the Isabella Plantation in Richmond Park

Red flowers at the Isabella Plantation in Richmond Park

Yellow flowers at the Isabella Plantation in Richmond Park

Bluebells at the Isabella Plantation in Richmond Park

Pink flowers border a pond at the Isabella Plantation in Richmond Park

Pink flowers border a pond at the Isabella Plantation in Richmond Park

Pink flowers border a pond at the Isabella Plantation in Richmond Park

If you’re a botany buff, you’re looking to get back to nature, or you just want to something to do in London that’s a little out of the ordinary, I highly recommend the Isabella Plantation. It’s glorious.

Pink flowers border a pond at the Isabella Plantation in Richmond Park

PIN IT!What to see at the Isabella Plantation in Richmond Park

For more of London’s beautiful garden escapes, check out my post on Kew Gardens.

6 thoughts on “Getting Back to Nature at The Isabella Plantation

  1. Lovely photos, and I don’t mind the change of topic one bit! We also have hundreds of deer in the woods around us…, I think I have seen TWO in the past 5 years! LOL!

Let me know your thoughts!