Well, this isn’t going to be an easy post to write. But as it’s World Mental Health Day, it feels like the right time.
Only recently have I opened up my blog to people outside my immediate family and a few friends. Now I’m writing the most personal post I’ve ever written.

My Secret
A few years ago, I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression.
There, it’s done. I said it.
And guess what? I am not unique. Far from it, actually. According to the Mental Health Foundation:
- 1 in 4 people will experience at least one diagnosable mental health problem in any given year
- Over 70 million workdays per year are lost due to mental health issues, making it the leading cause of illness-related work absences
- Mixed anxiety and depression is the most common mental disorder in Britain
- Major depression is thought to be the second leading cause of disability worldwide
So if it’s so common, why isn’t it talked about more? Well, probably for the same reason I never talk about my experiences.
In recent years, awareness around mental health has definitely increased, and there’s more and more campaigns aiming to reduce the stigma; however, it’s still a big problem. I think this is mostly down to ignorance and a lack of understanding by people who’ve never experienced these issues themselves (or been close to someone who has).
Anxiety is not “stress”. Depression is not “sadness”. Absolutely nothing associated with mental illness is “just attention-seeking”.
Though anxiety and depression are the most commonly diagnosed mental health disorders, there are of course many others out there. I can only speak of what I know and have experienced myself.

My Story
My story is not unique, it’s not special, it’s not even particularly interesting. I suppose that just illustrates how normal it is to go through this.
I’ve always been someone who experiences emotions more intensely than others and I can go from high to low incredibly swiftly and sharply. Of course, this was put down to “moodiness” for most of my life.
Come my mid-twenties, I was well and truly past hormonal mood swings, yet I still didn’t feel in control of my emotions.
My reactions often felt totally disproportionate to the situation I was in. Things upset me more than they should, I handled change terribly, and when I felt annoyed or angry over the smallest things, my chest felt like it was being squeezed into a teeny, tiny ball. Once that grip eventually loosened, I just felt incredibly low; deflated, almost.
Then came a really low period in my life. Nothing particularly major happened but this low was triggered by a multitude of different life events, changes and realisations that I just didn’t have the tools to handle.
I could barely get out of bed; I was either sleeping too much or not at all. I’d cry at the drop of a hat and wouldn’t be able to stop. I found it hard to leave the house except for work; even when I made it out, I suffered panic attacks in my office to the point where my boss once phoned an ambulance as I was struggling to breathe and my lips were turning blue. Fun times.
After years of thinking something wasn’t quite right, it all came rushing to the surface within a relatively short time frame and I couldn’t ignore it any longer.
It was time to get help.

My Treatment
I’ve heard some horror stories about people’s experiences with dismissive GPs but luckily for me, my doctor was fantastic. She was non-judgemental, patient and reassuring.
After talking to me for far longer than the allotted five-minute appointment, she explained that she thought I was suffering from both anxiety and depression and went through a range of treatment options. We settled on low dosage antidepressants and a series of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).
The pills made me feel like absolute rubbish the first few weeks. But they settled down and over time, and with experimentation, we found the right dose for me.
One thing that worried me about taking antidepressants was becoming a zombie. Thankfully that didn’t happen. My moods are much more “level” but I still feel the full range of emotions.
CBT on the other hand was not my favourite thing. If you’re not familiar with it, CBT is a type of therapy focusing on dealing with your problems in a positive way. It’s not about digging up the past and having your head “shrunk”; it’s about breaking down problems, finding practical ways to handle present issues, and improving your current state of mind. It involves a lot of worksheets.
This all sounds well and good but for me, it was all too uncomfortable. I felt as though I had no business being depressed. I didn’t feel like I had a right to be there as things weren’t that bad, right? And I worried that my therapist was judging me (I’m sure she wasn’t) as she must have seen so many people in worse situations than me.
My Realisation
But that’s the nasty thing about depression; it doesn’t care how good or bad you’ve got it, whether you’re rich or poor, single or loved up, employed or unemployed, have a loving family, a close group of friends, are an incredibly successful human in whatever way…
Depression doesn’t give a shit.
It just invades whomever it wants, regardless of circumstance.
Its cousin anxiety is just as ruthless.
Anxiety for me is generally irrational. I know it’s ridiculous to feel so anxious about leaving the house, or to worry for hours about the odd look someone gave me in the supermarket, or to melt down over a tiny change in schedule.
At the back of my mind, I am aware that these things are nothing to be worried about but it doesn’t make the tight chest, the raised heart rate, the jittery feet and hands, or the inability to concentrate any less real.
After learning to accept that, it got easier.

My Advice
Honestly, the best thing I can say is talk to someone. A friend, a relative, a colleague… find someone to talk to and don’t be afraid of your own honesty.
This doesn’t mean you have to tell the world. Until now, I’ve told very few people about my struggles with mental health. My immediate family knows, a few close friends, and a couple of my superiors at work (as it’s pretty hard to leave early once a week for therapy for without them noticing…).
I am by no means saying that talking about it will solve the problem. Far from it. But at least you won’t be going it alone.
More importantly, talk to a professional. If you feel dismissed, talk to a different doctor. They – more than anyone – can help.
Find what works for you. You may not want to take pills. That’s fine. They worked for me (aside from some pretty hefty weight gain… Joy.) but that doesn’t mean they are right for everyone.
Perhaps CBT will be your saving grace. Perhaps not.
It’s trial and error to find what works for you so just persevere until you find it.

Actually, turns out this post was incredibly easy to write after all. The words just flowed and it was quite cathartic!
But now for the hard part… Going public.
Pressing “Publish”.
Beautifully written. So proud. Hope you are feeling good about it. You have probably helped at least a few people either get help or at least talk about their feelings. So proud how far you have come.
Thanks, Mim! xx I feel slightly terrified but also relieved. The response has been really positive but it’s still a tough one to share. I do hope it helps others affected.
Forgot…….. Lots of love Mum XXXXOOO
Haha! All good, your name shows up. 😉
This is such an excellent post. Kudos for getting the help that you need because many people never get it. I went through a similar situation and spent time with many different docs, but haven’t completely healed. CBT didn’t do much, but it has helped me avoid a full on attack.
Your post was so honest. I don’t understand why some people look at it like it’s some kind of freak disease. It’s actually pretty common. Thanks for sharing your story. Hugs ❤💕
Thank you so much. You comment really means a lot! xx
Sorry to hear you’re going through a similar experience. I am certainly far from healed (not sure it’s something you ever truly heal from) but I’m definitely dealing with it a lot better than I was a few years ago. I think it’s all about learning how to handle your feelings and get through the really tough days, weeks, or months.
Look after yourself. xx
Good for you, posting about this! I just got a mail from my sister who has been suffering from various mental health problems for as long as I can remember and is currently trying to come off her medication to get her weight under control. It is tough. I know what you are going through having accompanied my sister for so many years. I hope the therapy is useful. But like you say, a good doctor is essential to get the support you need. I wish you all the luck in the world that your problems can be reducued to the minimum and you can enjoy life! 😀
Thank you so much! Was a really hard one to share but I do think it’s so important to talk about these things. I am definitely doing far, far better than I was a few years ago, though it still ebbs and flows.
Sorry to hear that your sister is suffering. I wish her all the best and good to know she has a support system around her. It’s so important. xx
Thanks again for reading and commenting – it means a lot!
I really loved reading this post; it was so honest and raw. Most of all I loved the part where you said “My story is not unique, it’s not special, it’s not even particularly interesting. But I suppose that just further illustrates how normal it is to go through this.” I think that often people think you have to go through some really traumatic life event to be depressed and that’s definitely not the case at all!
Well done for speaking out 🙂 xx
Thanks so much, Holly! Your comment means a lot as I really struggled with whether or not to post this.
I admit I used to think that about depression too, which is why it took me so long to actually get help. I didn’t think I “deserved” help because there was nothing particularly traumatic or “depressing” in my life.
If this post changes one person’s mind or – even better – pushes one person to get help, it will be worth it.
Thanks for reading! xx
I love that you had the bravery to publish this!
Thanks so much! It definitely wasn’t easy but I think it’s important to raise awareness.
Wonderful Post! Your honesty is greatly appreciated! From one person who has suffered from the stigma of both “Thank You”!
Thank you so much! Hopefully we can slowly break down that darn stigma. Hope you’re doing well. xx
I am a work in progress and will keep pushing forword.
I also wish you well😉
Thank you for sharing your story. We need more people like you to keep this conversation of mental health going and breaking the stigma along the way.
Thank you so much! I really appreciate your comments. 🙂
It was so hard to post this but I want mental health to be talked about more in order to break down that stigma. And I wanted to be a part of that conversation, as difficult as it was.
You are so strong – it takes courage to talk about these things and ask help! I’m sure your story would inspire more people to talk about how they truly feel. Stay incredibly awesome!
Thank you so much! This was a tough one but I’m glad I hit “publish” in the end. 🙂
Talking to someone – that’s the key. I’m often way too hard on myself and constantly taking my mental health for granted. We all need to be a little easier on ourselves. So glad you posted this – we need to end stigma!
Thanks so much for your comment. We definitely need to learn to be easier on ourselves and to ask for help. 🙂
Literally teared reading this! I admire you for your courage and strength! I hope and pray that will keep doing good! Sending lots of positive vibes 💕
Oh, bless you! That’s so sweet. 🙂 Thanks for your lovely comment. xx
Thanks for sharing your story . It takes courage to share a part of your life with the world . I wish there was not still a stigma attached to depression and anxiety because it is not just something you can snap out of as some people believe . This will inspire anyone suffering in silence to see they are not alone . Love and Blessings
Thanks for your lovely comment. 🙂 It’s frustrating that there’s still such a stigma attached to mental health issues but hopefully more and more people will speak out to lessen that. xx
Your welcome have a great week
Thanks so much for sharing your very personal and heart felt story . It will inspire anyone who is afraid to speak out for fear of being judged . Love and blessings
Inspirational. Sending positive vibes your way 🙂
Thank you so much! 🙂
I suffer from generalized anxiety and major depression too – and i completely relate on the “highs and lows” literally in a matter of seconds. It’s totally an unwelcome visitor that doesn’t seem to want to leave. I started getting help a little less than a year ago when I had a complete breakdown. At some point we have to be okay with being a little bit vulnerable and allowing others to help us… and knowing above all it’s okay! It part of what makes us human – our flaws. From one to another – always here if you need a friend! – Tara
Thank you so much for your lovely comment. Not gonna lie, it made me tear up a little. xx
I’m sorry you’ve experienced anxiety and depression too but I’m so glad you got yourself help. It’s a tough step to take but such a vital one. You’re so right about allowing others to help.
Stay strong! xx
Thank you so much for sharing this! I’ve been there and know what it’s like, and how hard it is to be self-reflective, get your inertia going, and make steps to feel better. It can be impossible feeling, or leave you feeling like everything is hopeless. It isn’t, and it’s important that people like you continue to share your experiences for others. <3
Thank you! So sorry you’ve been there too and you’re absolutely right – it’s so hard to take the first steps and believe anything could ever get better. It does and it did. I still have “low” days but I am so much better off having taken that step to getting help. Hope you’re doing well. xx
This is a very honest and inspiring post! Well done for publishing. If you don’t mind I’d love to share this in my closed community, I’m sure it will really inspire and support my clients 💗
Thank you so much – that’s really lovely of you. I don’t mind at all, so feel free to share it. Once the hard part of posting and realising some “real-life” people had read it was over, it became ever-so-slightly less scary. 🙂
I agree. Talking to anyone can relieve a huge load of your shoulder. It’ll teach you that nothing in this world needs to be done alone. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for reading! 🙂 Talking definitely helps and once you take that first step, it starts to get easier bit by bit. 🙂
No problem! Could you take a look at my posts? Provide some feedback?
Such a lovely, honest post. The more people that open up the better and I hope it made you feel better to post xx
Thanks so much! It was definitely a relief to post this and the response has been lovely. xx
I’m so happy I found your blog and this blog post! I loved it and read it just straight away. I’m suffering from anxiety and post about that a lot in my blog. It feels so good to let it all out 💞 We are warriors and we are all in this together. I take 20 mg of antidepressants and that helps and when I feel high anxiety a benzo. Therapy made me feel even more anxious so I quit. You are so right that we should focus on what works for us. It’s different for everybody. I’m happy for you that you find your way. Take care beautiful 💞 Always here for you
Thank you so much! It definitely helps to let it out and also to speak to others who understand the struggle. Thanks for commenting and hope you’re doing well. xx
Always embrace your story!
Thank you so much. 🙂
I am one of the ‘many’ sufferers of anxiety and depression and that post made me like as if I’m not alone. It was an excellent piece of writing, thank you.
Thank you so much. I am always happy to hear that my post helped someone in not feeling so alone. It was scary to share but comments like yours make it so worth it. 🙂 Wishing you all the best! xx
Hi there! I’m a worker at 7cups, which is a healing platform for people suffering from mental health disorders. I was hoping you could check this link out and ask others to do so too. I would be really thankful to you 🙂
Have a nice day!
Very brave of you to write such a beautifully honest piece. Thank you for sharing
Thanks so much! It was tough to share but I appreciate such lovely feedback. 🙂
This post was more than relatable. Thank you for writing. You totally took a #mystepintobravery by talking to your family and writing about it for all the world to see. You are so brave and most importantly not alone. Don’t let mental illness’ stigma get you down, we can break that down together!
Thank you so much for this lovely comment. It’s amazing the amount of support I have received from this post, so I hope I have done my little bit to helping break the stigma. Thanks for reading! xx
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING!!! I loved this post, and can truly relate! It’s such an informative read and I hope you know by having the courage to share your story, you are helping others find the courage as well! Let’s fight stigma!
Thank you for reading! Although I wouldn’t wish mental illness on anyone, it’s comforting to hear people say that they can relate. Thank you so much for your lovely comment and wishing you all the best! xx
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