After days of living on cheese, bread and croissants in France, my friend Sophie and I were desperate to get some veggies into us once we reached Prague.
Category: Travel
Finding good vegan food when you travel can be tricky. But it’s getting easier. Travel is a massive part of my life and I love exploring new cities and countries, experiencing everything from local culture to nature to food.
So, here I share my favourite vegan foodie finds from around the world.
A Vegetarian in Europe – What I Ate in Paris, Prague and Cesky Krumlov
Ever since I was 11 years old, I’ve wanted to go to Paris. I learnt French after school for a year at this age (the only thing that stuck was the names of fruits) and when my teacher came back from a trip to Paris, I decided then and there that I was going oneContinue reading A Vegetarian in Europe – What I Ate in Paris, Prague and Cesky Krumlov